Not Free

“The good things in life are not free.” Aloysius Pendergast Another great quote from the Pendergast novels by Preston and Child. The books make wonderful summer reading. They have little redeemi... Read More

Going to Hell

“One can reach the gates of hell just as easily by short steps as by large.” Aloysius Pendergast Another great quote from the Pendergast novels by Preston and Child. The books make wonderful sum... Read More


“Beware the dog that does not bark and the man who does not talk.” Lakota Folk Wisdom The photo is of one of the beautiful pieces of glass we saw on our recent trip to Florida. The quote is from o... Read More


“Information is like electricity. It powers the light that allows us to see our way forward.” Aloysius Pendergast The first in a series of quotes from the Pendergast novels by Preston and Child. T... Read More