“Trail making takes longer than trail following.“ An important thing to remember when planning. Photo is of the Circumference Trail at Piestewa Peak. It is being rebuilt be a group of dedi...Read More
“There are no solutions; there are only tradeoffs.” Thomas Sowell, American Economist Photo is from Green Park in London looking north from Buckingham Palace....Read More
“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” Confucius This wise saying on a postcard came to me from San Diego via Postcrossing. It is definitely a platitude but it ...Read More
“A tied goat doesn’t know how a loose goat feels.” Uncle Bill via Gene B That is me on the left in the stovepipe hat. I’m posing with the Lincoln family at the Lincoln Museum in Springfiel...Read More
I was boating in Chesapeake Bay with Gene B. and in the lovely small town of Havre de Grace we came across a postcard shop. If you want postcards and you are in the Baltimore/Washington area visit Mar...Read More
“You can learn from your mistakes, but you don’t have to.” Origin unknown Alternate title: “Never milk a plastic cow.” Photo credit: Gene B in Havre de Grace a small cute town on the...Read More
“As clean as a whistle?” The phrase originated in the early 1900’s and is probably derived from an earlier expression: “As clear as a whistle.” Which referred to the clar...Read More