“Helping others is the best way to ensure your survival.“ Every day until the end of the year I am going to post a favorite maxim. My constraint is that the maxim will have ten words or le...Read More
“Love many; trust few.Learn to paddle your own canoe.“ American Proverb Sweet Dreams on the Intracostal Waterway in Florida. I love that this one rhymes so casually....Read More
“It is better to will the good than to know the truth.” Petrarch 1304-1374 Known by some as the first humanist and others as the prime mover of the Renaissance. I was introduced to him in The Rena...Read More
“Some things are like a dog walking on its hind legs: It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.“ Modified from a quote by Samuel Johnson People obeying traffic sig...Read More
“The Apple of My Eye” was originally used in English and perhaps Hebrew to refer to the pupil of the eye. Sometime in the late middle ages it began to mean something or someone that one va...Read More
“We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” Stephen King Photo is of a Pumpkin Tree at the Biltmore Fashion Square a few years ago. It allows for a combination holiday....Read More
“I am responsible for what I say, I can’t be responsible for what you understand.” Photo is of a building in Santa Fe covered with Autumn Ivy....Read More