“Consume Experiences, Not Things.” Karim Rashid From A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink It is worth visiting Rashid’s website just to move your mouse across his buttons and make music. ...Read More
If you give the State the power to do something for you, you give it an exact equivalent power to do something to you. Albert Jay Nock The State of the Union Essays in Social Criticism Liberty Fund ...Read More
Late middle age is a time of life when everything is predictable and yet somehow you fail to see any of it coming. From That Old Cape Magic by Richard Russo...Read More
“The public in a democracy is not always wise.” Peter Shuck writing in Debating Immigration Cambridge University Press 2007 edited by Carol M Swain...Read More
“If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” Anatole France What if they publish it on the internet? Question mark removed....Read More