Hubris Noun: Excessive pride or self confidence. Example: “His hubris is only exceeded by the unnatural orange color of his hair.” Pronunciation: two syllables, hew-bris...Read More
Maladroit Adjective: Bungling, clumsy. Example: The electorate was not happy with the maladroit way the new administration handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Pronounciation: three sylables, Mal-...Read More
Heinous Adjective: An utterly abominable or evil crime or person. Example: “Deliberately targeting civilians during a war is a heinous crime.” Pronunciation: 2 syllables Hay-nus...Read More
Logorrhea Noun: Given to extreme loquaciousness. Talks too much. Sometimes related to psychological issues but not always. Example: “His logorrhea made it impossible for anyone else to get a word in...Read More
Philologist Noun: Someone who studies the history of languages. Often associated with study of literature. Example: “Her particular interest as a philologist was how surnames evolved in differen...Read More
Chapbook Noun: A small book. They were much more common in the 19th century. They often contain poems, essays and/or observations. Example: “After reading a few lines out loud the chapbook sat a...Read More
Bugbear Noun: A cause of excessive irritation or fear. Formerly a monster invoked to scare children. Now we use climate change to scare children. Example: “His bugbear was people who drove in tw...Read More
Baize Noun: Baize is a coarse woolen cloth, similar in texture to felt, but more durable. Most often used as liner for pool tables. Common color is green. Example: “The new baize made the pool t...Read More