As I understand it the objective of developing vaccines for Covid was to minimize deaths from the virus. Our current policy is not doing that as well as it could. We are vaccinating many people at low...Read More
Acronyms are extremely dangerous. On Christmas Eve I had a DVT that caused a PE that nearly killed me. I’m fine now and recovering. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) form in your extremities and someti...Read More
“The virus—or specifically the political response to it—is causing a mass extinction event for small businesses in certain sectors.” John Maudlin...Read More
Covid 19, formerly The Corona Virus, is real but that there has been a massive overreaction to it. Back in March and April I predicted that the USA and the world would survive the Corona Virus and wou...Read More
Ten Positive things about the COVID Pandemic: Plexiglass is fashionable again. People are decluttering and giving the postcards to me. The pandemic news takes your mind off President Trump’s lat...Read More
Here in the Time of Covid masks are an important tool. They might stop the spread of the virus and they definitely signal virtue and conformity to the community and therefore promote hand washing, soc...Read More
“The only proven method for curbing population growth is to eradicate extreme poverty and give people better lives, including education and contraception.” Hans Rosling in Factfulness (Highly Reco...Read More