After he retired Winston Churchill was cruising the Mediterranean on an Italian ship. When asked why he chose an Italian ship he replied: “There are three things I like about being on an Italian cru...Read More
“Always Well Protected”Stets Wohl Behutet This postcard is a reprint of an ad for a German Hat Company. According to Susi the sender it is a play in German on the similarity between the words Hut/...Read More
”You never walk alone.” Is it an admonition or a declaration? This postcard came from a Postcrossing member in Germany. She was somehow involved in making the card with Arendt Laude in Berlin...Read More
”We find ourselves threatened by hoards of Yankee immigrants who have already begun to flock into our country, and whose progress we cannot arrest.” Pio Pico 1846...Read More
The US Post Office is the Amtrak of our children’s generation. It has outlived its usefulness but, because of its sheer size, its momentum will carry it forward another hundred years. There are unio...Read More
Lot’s of us have been spending a lot more time at home since COVID-19 (How this name came to be) and many people are cleaning out their stuff. Which is good in its own right and it has created a...Read More