This idea is floating around in the ether but I wanted to add my spin to it. The Problem: The primaries are moving closer and closer to new years day as the state vie for a say in who is the nominee f...Read More
When things warm up they get softer don’t they. And when they get softer they are more pliable and less likely to crack. So if the earth warms up there will be less earthquakes. Eureka! Another ...Read More
This sign is posted at the lower end of the Mount Wilson Toll Road: It says below the graffitti “Closed Due To Landslide” which is no longer true. What it should say is: The Toll Road is c...Read More
Gary Trudeau has done it again. His strip from yesterday explains in six boxes why Iraq is such a mess. You can still read it on Slate: More
It is rare that the global warming debate is influenced by data so I hope that I am not commiting a major faux paus by doing this. Bonaire Ocean 2006 + 2mm While speaking to my friend Phil C. at PJTC ...Read More
There has been more talk lately in the US about creating a national ID card. The congress has passed a bill that will over the next few years make the States issue drivers licenses that are more uni...Read More
“The most popular nonfiction book of 1957 was an attack on American education standards called Why Johnny Can’t Read, warning us that we were falling dangerously behind the rest of the wor...Read More
I know almost everybody wants to believe that global warming is: A Fact Caused by Humans An Impending Disaster “An Inconvenient Truth” Now along comes a web site that shows some other evid...Read More
I’d calmed down for a few years about the way that South Pasadena had been able to keep the 710 freeway from being built. But the shock of learning that they were permanently narrowing Orange Grove ...Read More