This is a story that they don’t teach to school children in the USA. But they do teach it in Costa Rica. I think it explains a lot about the suspicion that people in Latin America have about...Read More
The President is going to announce today that he is sending another 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. This is less than the General in charge asked for and more than the anti war left wants to send. B...Read More
This graph shows the change in number of people in the world living on less than one dollar per day for the last 36 years. A dollar a day is the United Nations measure of poverty. I don’t know...Read More
One of the critiques of ObamaCare has been its proposal to use review panels to allocate medical resources to areas where the payoff would be best. On a micro scale this used to be called triage and...Read More
The Oxometer was invented about 1930 by a friend of Albert Jay Nock. Nock wrote about it in his book The State of the Union. It is really a simple device and in our time we need it more than ever....Read More
One of the arguments about health care reform is that if the government pays they will ration what is available. This is certainly the case in the UK as this story in the October 8th Daily Mail show...Read More
Matt G my brilliant blog dude has added a counter to this blog that reminds me, and you, how many days it is until I’m eligible for the Medicare Buffet. I’m already putting off some med...Read More
Since last week I’ve been angry about Jimmy Carter calling anyone who disagrees with President Obama a racist. He may have called you a racist also. Now you can check the Obama Criticism Flo...Read More
If you want economic growth and greater affluence for all, there is simply no alternative to “trickle-down economics.” Irving Kristol (1920 – 2009) The Father of Neoconservatism....Read More