This small matrix shows the most likely outcomes from the two major issues this year. The Economy and the Election Three of the four possible outcomes are acceptable. I’m expecting to have a g...Read More
This comparison was in the WSJ Notable & Quotable section a few weeks ago: “The reason why a bachelors degree on its own no longer conveys intelligence and capability is that the government ...Read More
The annual federal deficit is lingering at about a trillion dollars. Yes that is Trillion with a “T”. I have a way to solve a big part of this problem. Cut the pay and benefits of all fe...Read More
Want to know the average daily wage in the USA? This chart has it and hundred of other interesting and addictive facts: Money Chart Be careful...Read More
There is talk about taxing financial transactions as a way to punish those in the finance business and to raise revenue. Without taking sides I discovered today that this idea has been tried before ...Read More
“Do you know why we Arabs have lost all of our wars with Israel? Because Israel is democratic, and we are undemocratic. So in one of our states, the worst general becomes army chief of staff...Read More
On Monday October 31 Dr Oscar Arias visited the School of Trans Border Studies at ASU and I had the honor of giving him a tour of the Changing Boundaries Map Exhibit. Arias won the Nobel Peace Prize...Read More
Knowing Aesop’s Fable The Ant and the Grasshopper will help you understand the Greek financial crisis. Basically in the fable the grasshoppers played all summer while the ants got ready for wint...Read More
“The proper role for government is to support basic research, not commercial ventures that become exercises in taxpayer risk but private reward.” From the WSJ 10/10/11 And infrastructure....Read More