What should the Uyghurs do to survive? How about the Kurds? Throughout history there have been a lot more losers than winners in the group survival lottery.For the last few weeks I’ve been askin...Read More
This is a contributing factor to the fires currently plaguing California: “In 2016, then-governor Jerry Brown actually vetoed a bill that had unanimously passed the state legislature to promote ...Read More
WWIT about Trump, Ukraine and Impeachment When Donald Trump was elected President we already knew he was a deeply flawed man who had no experience running a government. But being a fool is not an impe...Read More
Brexit is a Portmanteau of British and Exit and it explains it all. The UK voted to leave the EU and the decision is causing much angst in the EU and in the UK. I have always thought that Brexit was, ...Read More
Enlightenment Now By Steven Pinker This is one of my favorite books from this summers reading. Pinker sees the flow of history and writes about what has worked and what hasn’t. He ends up about ...Read More
WWIT is an acronym for What Was I Thinking. It was started as a way for me to comment on current affairs so that this record won’t have gaps like there are in my Vietnam journal. In Phoenix we h...Read More