The general perception is that wealthy people are charitable because they can afford to be. Let me propose another possible cause effect relationship between wealth and charity. It may be ...Read More
Cui Bono Latin for “Who Benefits?” This the question to ask about any proposal. My heuristic is “does it benefit the working poor?” and “does it increase happiness in the...Read More
In a post a month ago I warned that pissing off the Saudi’s and stopping fracking at the same time would be sure to raise oil prices. I predicted that “by January 2022 unless President Bid...Read More
Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell Black Lives Matter has been on the agenda longer than Covid 19. Gladwell sees the issues of race from both sides and tells some stories that allowed me to see ...Read More
At the time of the beginning of the American Republic no model of a genuinely biracial society existed anywhere in the world, nor had any existed in recorded history. We are doing a slow job of gettin...Read More
Donald Trump is not a Republican, he is a con man. If I were a Senator I would vote to impeach former President Trump. If I was a Democrat Senator I would vote to impeach because what Trump did is unf...Read More
“Ike’s not a communist, he’s a golfer.” Russell Kirk During the 1950’s the John Birch Society accused President Eisenhower of being a communist. The above is Russell Kirk’s respons...Read More