“If hypocrisy were a crime, there’d be no one left to run Washington.” An unusual second Saturday post. To test the new subscriber system we are installing so that the photos will be included wi...Read More
“On balance, the record of government trying to improve the functioning of the private sector is poor.” New York Times This quote is from the NYT. It is surprising because the NYT only las...Read More
There is a feeling, often expressed, that we live in particularly tumultuous times. I often politely ask when we were not in “tumultuous times.” My argument is that “presentism”...Read More
“First Save, Then Buy!” This illustration on this postcard is a reproduction of a matchbook cover distributed by the East German Government in the 1950’s. West Germany was zooming ah...Read More
There are a couple of reasons I think that early voting is a bad idea. If during the Civil War when Lincoln was running for re-election there had been early voting people would have voted before the v...Read More
I belong to Postcrossing and many of the active members are from Russia and Ukraine. It has been an interesting year for them and for the administrators of the group. I recently received two cards tha...Read More
Hegemon Noun: a leader or country that has a dominant influence over others. Example: “The United States is the hegemon in the world today. But will our hegemony continue?” The photo is of...Read More
“Well-intended plans often have unintended side effects.” Public art in Bordeaux. An example of the a well intended plan was sending Covid money to the public and to businesses. The uninte...Read More