Prolixity Noun: The act of using too many words to express an idea or image. Long-winded Example: “His prolixity about the types of barbed wire made me tune out.” Photo is of a collection of diffe...Read More
Happy New Year I hope your year is filled with hikes to new places and old, that your knees stay healthy and your head is filled with wonder. About a decade ago I wrote this list of rules for hiking. ...Read More
The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter is a well written book about how our actions have changed since we were hunter gatherers and the effects of those changes on our happiness and well being. It was r...Read More
Heterodox Adjective: Not conforming to the accepted or orthodox opinions or beliefs. Example 1: “His Heterodox belief that most politics was unimportant put him outside the mainstream of his coh...Read More
Happy Christmas to all from Sam the hiking dog. “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” Multiple Attributions Sammy was my hiking companion along with...Read More
“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire”. Gustav Mahler Christmas and the first night of Hanukkah coincide this year. Magical thinking makes it a good omen. So next we...Read More