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A Three Digit Midget

When I was in the army many of my fellow enlisted men kept “short-timer calendars.”  When you went under 100 days until you got out of the army (or Vietnam) you could call yourself a “two digit midget.”  Well time have changed and the much anticipated event now is getting to the Medicare Buffet.  Today I broke the thousand day barrier.  In 999 days I will be eligible for the National Health plan.  I am a “three digit midget.”

On the day my friend Peter turned 65 he had knee replacement surgery.  I’m already starting a list of my own.  In 1993 P. J. O’Rourke said “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free.” He was right.

The countdown timer on the upper right of my blog should be a warning to all of the people who are trying to finance more free health-care.  We can’t afford free.  Peter’s knee and my allergies and 30 million more maladies are coming at you.

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